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ZoomlionHG32Concrete Placing Boom

41. Zoomlion HG32 Concrete Placing Boom

1、全液压驱动,360°全回转;平衡阀和电磁换向阀分别为意大利Oilcontrol和德国力士乐Rexroth。 2、电气系统主要元件选用日本欧姆龙Omron和法国施耐德Flender等世界知名品牌。 3、有楼面……

ZoomlionHG28EConcrete Placing Boom

42. Zoomlion HG28E Concrete Placing Boom

1、Full hydraulic drive, 360° slewing; the balance valve and solenoid directional control valve are relatively imported from Italian Oilcontrol and Germany Rexroth. 2、Main components of the electrical system are imported from world famo……

ZoomlionHG28GConcrete Placing Boom

43. Zoomlion HG28G Concrete Placing Boom

1、全液压驱动,360°全回转;平衡阀和电磁换向阀分别为意大利Oilcontrol和德国力士乐Rexroth。 2、电气系统主要元件选用日本欧姆龙Omron和法国施耐德Flender等世界知名品牌。 3、有楼面……

ZoomlionHG28BConcrete Placing Boom

44. Zoomlion HG28B Concrete Placing Boom

1、Full hydraulic drive, 360° slewing; the balance valve and solenoid directional control valve are relatively imported from Italian Oilcontrol and Germany Rexroth. 2、Main components of the electrical system are imported from world famo……

ZoomlionHG38Concrete Placing Boom

45. Zoomlion HG38 Concrete Placing Boom

1、Full hydraulic drive, 360° slewing; the balance valve and solenoid directional control valve are relatively imported from Italian Oilcontrol and Germany Rexroth. 2、Main components of the electrical system are imported from world famo……

ZoomlionHG28FConcrete Placing Boom

46. Zoomlion HG28F Concrete Placing Boom

1、Full hydraulic drive, 360° slewing; the balance valve and solenoid directional control valve are relatively imported from Italian Oilcontrol and Germany Rexroth. 2、Main components of the electrical system are imported from world famo……

ZoomlionHBT80.18.200SConcrete Pump

47. Zoomlion HBT80.18.200S Concrete Pump

A、Strong power serve for youWe seeking the best for your around the world. Our persistence pursuit is provide the most suitable concrete pump for you.1.Engine The engines equipped are from world famous brands such as VOLVO, DEUTZ and so……

ZoomlionHBT80.18.160SConcrete Pump

48. Zoomlion HBT80.18.160S Concrete Pump

铁路客运专线预制梁、现浇梁普遍使用高性能耐久型混凝土(C50—C80),泵送阻力大,要求连续作业,在规定时间内(通常为6小时)完成规定方量的浇注施工。 对混凝土泵的选用,……

ZoomlionHBT80.18.132SConcrete Pump

49. Zoomlion HBT80.18.132S Concrete Pump

A、Strong power serve for youWe seeking the best for your around the world. Our persistence pursuit is provide the most suitable concrete pump for you.1.Engine The engines equipped are from world famous brands such as VOLVO, DEUTZ and so……

ZoomlionHBT80.14.110SAConcrete Pump

50. Zoomlion HBT80.14.110SA Concrete Pump

A、Strong power serve for youWe seeking the best for your around the world. Our persistence pursuit is provide the most suitable concrete pump for you.1.Engine The engines equipped are from world famous brands such as VOLVO, DEUTZ and so……

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